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Housing Need Proved, Leading To Scheme Approval

Planning | Nottingham City Centre | Owl Partnerships, Nottingham Community Housing Association and Inside Land
Key Issues

This particular scheme was for a development of affordable housing on a greenfield site on the periphery of Sileby in Charnwood, Leicestershire.

The Project

Planning permission had been sought previously and had been refused and then an appeal dismissed with significant landscape issues being cited and the overall development deemed not acceptable in principle.

Following this unsuccessful process, Owl Partnerships, Nottingham Community Housing Association and Inside Land approached Marrons for support due to the team’s national reputation for overcoming obstacles such as these.

Our solution was to propose a strategy for a landscape led proposal, given the reasons cited in the earlier planning refusals.  We investigated the affordable housing need and supply which demonstrated a growing under-provision in the area.  Working closely with the local planning authority we promoted the site to the local plan with lower landscape harm and a supporting case for the delivery of desperately needed affordable housing.

Following the work carried out by the team, the scheme secured an allocation in the emerging local plan and allowed early permission to be granted by the LPA in the context of the chronic lack of affordable housing supply.

The team took the scheme from a very negative situation to a success story to the delight of the client.



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