Economic Development
Heritage Planning Consultants
Our team of experienced heritage consultants offers considered expert advice on planning with all aspects of the historic environment. We bring planning, design and heritage together to deliver development.
We understand the particular challenges and opportunities that heritage assets bring to the planning process. From the outset, we take robust, informed and timely approaches to managing change, securing positive development outcomes for our clients.
Our interdisciplinary team of experts are up to speed with the current regulatory framework of law, policy and guidance that applies to heritage assets in the planning process.
We work commercially and constructively with our clients to find pragmatic solutions that deliver inspired outcomes. We won’t be doing it alone either. Our approach is collaborative and responsive, providing the critical advice required to support the planners, architects, engineers and master planners we work alongside.
As a positive voice for sustainable change, we have strong skills in advocacy and mediation, ensuring your plans have the best chance of gaining the necessary approvals. We only offer considered advice on the basis of sound evidence, ensuring it stands up to scrutiny by all parties.
Whether you’re a homeowner or a major house builder, we’re here to help.
We are an IHBC recognised HESPR organisation
Talk to Adam & the team
Commercially-minded, Adam leads our specialist heritage planning team at Marrons. With over 18 years experience gained in private practice and local authority planning, Adam tales the lead on an extensive portfolio of development, research and educational projects. He has strong skills in mediation and advocacy, championing strategic, creative and evidence-led solutions to heritage issues.
Contact | +44 (0)115 945 4696 | +44 (0)7971309315
Our Heritage Planning Consultants Services
Heritage planning advice
We’ll be there every step of the way, from scoping and pre-application through to submission and discharge of planning conditions. Whether it’s a home extension or a strategic development site, we’ve developed ways of making things work. Our heritage planning advice commonly includes:
- Baseline Heritage Assessments
- Heritage Impact Assessments
- Archaeological Desk-Based Assessments
- Setting Assessment
- Listed Building Consent
- Scheduled Monument Consent
- Non-designated heritage assets
- Appeal and Expert Witness
- Building Recording
- Public and stakeholder consultations
Designing Distinctively
Ensuring we continue to think creatively about our future is a key part of what we do. We’re experts in the character of places and have pioneered nationally recognised approaches to articulating what makes them locally distinctive. With ever more emphasis on designing in context, we can unpick those parts of a place that make it distinctive, providing a platform for positive change.
- Site Appraisals
- Historic Area Analysis
- Design Advice
- Design Panel Representation
- Paragraph 80 Applications
- Rural and Urban Characterisations
- Mitigation Options
Government Advice
We have a long track record of working with government agencies and local authorities to help manage heritage assets with greater clarity and consistency. Over the last 10 years we’ve been building capacity in planning with heritage assets amongst local authorities and local communities in partnership with Historic England and other organisations. Our research and strategic work extends to award-winning projects that actively promote the role our historic environment can play in shaping successful places.
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Heritage Strategies
- Historic Area Assessments
- Master planning
- Bespoke evidence-bases
- Supplementary Planning Documents
- Planning Policy
- Development Briefs
Award Winning Heritage Services
We recognise the social, environmental and economic value that our historic environment brings to the places we live in.
2020 Shortlisted for the RTPI Planning Excellence Award alongside the London Borough of Sutton and Historic England.
2016 National RTPI Awards for Excellence in Planning for Heritage for the ‘Nottingham Heritage Strategy’.
2016 Shortlisted for ‘Best Plan’ RTPI East Midlands Regional Awards.