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Securing Planning Permission For Larkfleet Homes

Planning | %%project_location%% | Larkfleet Homes

The team acted for Larkfleet Homes in securing outline planning permission for 340 dwellings plus land for a new primary school with associated play space, open space, landscaping and infrastructure with all matters reserved except for means of access and landscaping.

The site was an unallocated site outside the settlement boundary but it was considered that the provision of land for a new primary school, alongside new homes and associated economic benefits, outweighed any harm in principle. The application currently has a resolution to grant planning permission subject to completion of the section 106. Landscaping considerations were key to the evolution of this scheme.

As an applicant team, we have and continue to work hard with the Local Planning Authority, Local Education Authority and key stakeholders to assist delivery of a new school onsite that will secure the long-term sustainability of education provision in the village. We are working in conjunction with the Local Education Authority via the reserved matters process to ensure a cohesive scheme is brought forward that realises the delivery of a coordinated residential and school project.

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