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Land off Beech Drive, Thornton

Planning | Birmingham | Barwood Homes (now Cora Homes)

The team prepared, coordinated and led an appeal (public inquiry procedure) against the decision of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council to refuse planning permission for a high-quality, sustainable residential development of 45 homes on land at Beech Drive, Thornton, Leicestershire.

Key Highlights

  • Successful planning appeal
  • Creation of new sustainable, market and affordable housing scheme
  • High-quality residential development


Notwithstanding an officer’s recommendation of approval, the planning committee voted against the development, largely on political grounds.

In response to this, the team prepared and coordinated a well-argued appeal submission utilising the public inquiry procedure. Working closely with counsel, clients and other consultants, the team was able to present compelling proofs of evidence in respect of planning, affordable housing, landscape and transport.

Following the inquiry, Barwood Homes (now Cora Homes) were granted permission to develop the site. The planning inspector accepted all of our expert witness’ (Andrew Gore) planning arguments on development plan weight, outdated policies, tilted balance and the extent of affordable housing shortfall in the Borough.

Our Project Team

About Marrons

Marrons is a multi-service development consultancy backed by the experience of working for local authorities, extensive market intel and connections across the industry - from planning offices and private landowners to housebuilders and retailers.

With expertise in Planning, Architecture, Design, Heritage and Economic Development, you can trust us to lead, protect and enhance the value of your land or building assets ensuring we turn your plans into reality.

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