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Craig Pettit

Planning Director


  • Infrastructure and Regeneration
  • Later living
  • Mixed Use and Commercial Development
  • Planning
  • Real Estate
  • Residential Development

Considerable planning experience having worked in private sector and client-side roles. Craig has advised a number of clients in respect of later living, regeneration and strategic land promotion, alongside direct experience managing a portfolio of sites for a regional housebuilder.

Craig is part of the southern-based team and has worked extensively in the Home Counties and within the Thames Valley. Craig has a particular interest in later living, believing it to be one of the key sectors across the next decade and beyond, as well as unlocking regional potential via mixed-use communities and regeneration schemes. Given his experience both at consultancy and client-side, Craig has an acute understanding of different clients’ various commercial needs.

Craig is experienced at managing multi-disciplinary teams, having advised on both large and complex schemes for a range of clients, both at application and appeal stages. Craig is also a strong advocate for stakeholder engagement, having achieved positive results where this has been carefully planned.

Imperative to the successful navigation of the planning system, is an in-depth understanding of the local and national political influences on planning, alongside the immediate and future policies and aspirations of a local authority.

Craig's Articles