Aimee Hudson-Brown
Assistant Heritage Planner
Aimee has recently joined the team after completing her masters in historic building conservation.
With a background in commercial archaeology and post-excavation, Aimee is interested in working on projects involving archaeology and the historic built environment.
During her masters, she has gained experience in archival research, assessing significance for locally listed heritage assets, and practicing conservation techniques within a national archaeological park.
Aimee is enthusiastic about finding sustainable solutions to help adapt the historic environment in a way that both protects it and enhances it, whilst also preventing significant loss.
Since starting her career at Marrons, Aimee has been enjoying researching and writing about the historical development for different projects, and is currently learning QGIS. She is currently working on different reports, including Heritage Impact Assessments and Archaeological Desk-Based Assessments. She is looking forward to further developing her skills and knowledge within the heritage sector, whilst building meaningful connections with colleagues and clients alike.